Vidurneeti Nepali PDF Pustak in Hindi Ka Kuch Ansh : Vaidika sanatana sanskr̥tiko mula adhara veda ho. Vedabaṭa nai porviya vaḍtmayaka vividha dharako utpatti bha’eko ho. Nitisastrako utpatti ko srota pani veda nai ho. Vedapachi smr̥ti, mahabhrata, puraṇa adima niti viṣayaka hajaramm suktiko bhaṇḍara paincha. Acarapradhana bha’eka karaṇa niti viṣayaka suktima dharma ra darsanako prabhava paincha. Samjika saddhava, maitri bhavanko nirmaṇa, sadacara ra rajanitijasta gambhira viṣayama sarala………..

Short Passage of Vidurneeti Nepali Hindi PDF Book : The Vedic Sanatan culture is based on the Vedas. It is from the Vedas that the various currents of Eastern Vadtmaya have originated. Vedas are also the source of origin of ethics. After the Vedas, Smriti, Mahabharata, Purana etc. contain thousands of sayings about policy. Due to being ethical, the influence of religion and philosophy can be found in policy gnomes. Simple in serious matters like social harmony, friendship building, morals and politics………