Motor Bima Handbook (Motor Bima Par Pustak) PDF Pustak Ka Kuch Ansh : Koi Dava bonas nahin hoga. Beemit ko NCB di jati hai, na ki beemit vahan ko at: vahan ke hastantaran par Bima Policy naye malik ko hastantarit ki ja sakti hai, lekin NCB nahin. Naye malik ko shesh Policy avadhi ke liye NCB ke prati antar ko ada karna padata hai. tathapi mool……
Short Passage of Motor Insurance Handbook (Book on Motor Insurance) PDF Book : There will be no claim bonus. NCB is given to the insured and not to the vehicle insured, therefore on the transfer of the vehicle the Insurance Policy can be transferred to the new owner but not the NCB. The new owner has to pay the difference towards NCB for the remaining policy term. However the original……