करण कुतूहलम : डॉ. सत्येन्द्र मिश्रा द्वारा हिंदी पीडीऍफ़ पुस्तक – ग्रन्थ | Karan Kutuhalam : by Dr. Satyendra Mishra Hindi PDF Book – Granth

Pustak Kharidein

Pustak Ka Vivaran : Yagy kal ke Krimanusar se chalate hain atev jo kalvidhanashastra jyotish ko janata hai vah yagyon ko bhi janata hai. Kal Niyamak hone se jyotish ko sarvopari mana gaya hai. Jis prakar mayooron ke sir par kalangi hoti hai, nagon ko mani hoti hai usi prakar ganit jyotish bhi vedangashastron mein moordhany hai. Pracheenkal mein ganit evan jyotish samanarthi the parantu aage chalkar inke teen bhag ho gaye……….

Description about eBook : Yagyas move according to the order of time, so the one who knows the science of astrology, knows the sacrifices also. Being a time regulator, astrology is considered paramount. Just as the peacocks have a crest on their heads, the serpents have gems, in the same way, mathematical astrology is also invaluable in the Vedangashastras. In ancient times, mathematics and astrology were synonymous, but later they were divided into three parts…..

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