गोलतत्व प्रकाशिका : हिंदी पीडीऍफ़ पुस्तक – धार्मिक | Golatatv Prakashika : Hindi PDF Book – Religious (Dharmik)
Pustak Ka Vivaran : Is Sansar mein Manushy ko usaki Sevanuroop phalaprapti ke vishay mein keval dhan vaibhavadihi nahin dekha jata varan yahan tak dekha jata hai ki sevak Apani seva ke prabhav se sevyajan par Poornadhikar jama leta hai. Is bat ke Praman praja par Adhikar jamane vale Raja ke sivay varnatray ki samaj par adhikar zamane hare brahman aur paramapurush par hukm varnatray……..
Description about eBook : In this world, man is not only seen in the matter of his retirement, but it is also seen that the servant collects the right of life on the basis of his service. Evidence of this is that except for the king who has authority over the subjects, the characters of the varnas, who have lost their rights on the society and the rulers of the Brahmin and the paramount men ……